Foundation Berlin | 21 – 24 nov

A new beginning full of possibility

Have you ever followed an Access Bars class?

And would you now like to receive practical tools with which you can create your life?  Then it’s time for a Foundation class, a 3.5-day discovery journey. You can learn more about this class HERE.

During this class you will receive a manual, learn body processes and in the end a certificate. The prerequisite to join The Access Foundation class is following an Access Consciousness Bars Class.



Annet Melis

Astrid Schneider


We start Thursday the 21th of November at 11:00 AM
You are welcome from 10:30 AM onward

We end, after 3.5 beautiful days, on Sunday the 24th of November at 02:00 PM

Venue to be announced soon
Berlin, Germany

The class will be facilitated by Annet Melis in English.
German translation is provided by Lauren Führer.

Foundation price categories  ( incl. VAT )

  • First time Foundation 2250€
  • Repeat pricing within the year of your last Foundation Class 1125€  Use the code REPEATPRICE
  • Reservation payment of 10% to reserve your spot 225€Use the code RESERVATIONFOUNDATION

Feel free to ask any questions to your hosts via FB messenger

Astrid Schneider

or contact facilitator Annet Melis via email


Sign up here!

2,250.00 incl. BTW